Thursday, June 18, 2015

iPad Apps from the STEAM Lab

After two years of requests, this spring I got a class set of iPad minis thanks to a school wide technology grant. Knowing they were on the way, I spent a little over a month going through the apps I wanted to include. I organized them in a Google Doc for our IT specialist.

I started with the STEAM subjects: Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. I added folders for Augmented Reality, Creation Apps, Coding, Photography, and Video. The list is available here. I plan to update the spreadsheet later this summer.

I moved the Utilities (including Settings), and other standard apps that you can't move to the second page. There is a link to my Portaportal on the second page as well.

We spend most of our time App Smashing using the Creation Apps folder. The pottery app is the student choice. While I still feel like we have just started to scratch the surface, I'm loving these new resources.

I have a few minor tweaks planned this summer. There are a few apps I don't think we need that are taking up valuable space. I want to add KonaKona and Popplet. Is there anything else that you think I'm missing?

The other big purchase was a class set of wireless Bluetooth headphones.

I tried headphones with the iMacs when I first started in the STEAM Lab. The first week I had two computers pulled down by well intentioned kindergarteners that forgot they were still wearing the headphones. I quickly removed the headphones and muted the volume. For about a year I searched for wireless headphones that could work in the lab setting. One of our first grade teachers recommended Lil Gadgets. I've had a class set of the Untangled Pro headphones for three months now. So far I'm impressed. They come in several colors - white was not my choice! They are a small company and have a year warranty. They are worth checking out.

I have been really happy with these new additions to the STEAM Lab.

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