This summer I bought a class set for 77 cents each.
Then I consulted my mom and grandmother for ideas. Most people would have come up with a plan first. I like to pretend I live on the edge. (Just kidding!)
I ‘d thought about covering it in fabric. I thought about spray paint. In the end I used acrylic paint and painters tape. It was in my (non-existent) budget.
It took 3 coats of dark blue to cover the logo. I also bought stampers from Michaels and added accent polka dots.
I had 20 of these things spread out all over the room and went around assembly style stamping each color.
Here is a finished product in front of my inspiration scrapbook paper. I love the polka dots!
I’m happy with how they came. I’d had this project on my to do list for months!
The seat sack is just the right size to hold the student’s independent reading book and other small items. They are usually lower on the chair because some of the students didn’t care for the knot of the apron to sit at the top of the chair against their backs.
We have to stack the chairs at the end of the day, but it is easy to slide the empty apron seat sack into the desk for the next day. I’ll count this one as a success!

Did you use any thing to seal the paint unto the apro
ReplyDeleteDid they ever slide off?